2010年6月19日 星期六

How to install "Add-on" VIBE NS-349S

Please refer - http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=286782

download all add-on in http://www.internetteam.de/zaphod/download/firmware/FSC/

Use the login credentials "amsadmin" and "ams150" for the pass. Don't worry, you're not breaking in - lochness has this info posted on the FSC forums in his sig. Once there, you'll want to traverse down the NExt folder to /NExt/Base/LCS-8311. We need to install the Base extensions before we can install anything else. Each download will have a corresponding README - if you want to know more... READ THEM!

NExt-> addons_ntx_liba

Rename each file simply by adding --ntx_libra at the end of the filename before the .tgz . There's no need to explain why, aside from the fact that the extension loader looks for the filename ntx_libra.tgz starting from the end of the file name. After you've renamed both, go ahead and load each extension, order doesn't really matter I don't think. Once each one loads, reboots and reloads, give the NAS one more reboot for good measure.

I am first to install "add-on" is "NExtFW - base version: 2.10.04 for NS-349S ". Because all "add-on" need to installation this packet.

At this point, download the latest NEXT_base_LCS-8311 version. Again, I'm not hotlinking, because this can change anytime. The appropriate file will have the version number followed by --ntx_libra.tgz. Download it, and cuddle it for a bit. Not too long though, because you're going to want to load these extensions into your NAS! You should know how to do this if you've gotten this far. Let it rip, wait for the load to complete (about 2 minutes), then log into your NAS again.

Next, installation "telnetd version: 1.02 for AMS and SBLAN2"
I have used "PuTTYPortable" to connection NAS. Important to change "root" password.
By default login - amsadmin, Password:ams150
command : passwd

Installation "webadmin" is very useful tool.

- NExt base 1.0.03 / 2.0.03 or newer
- NEXT_php 5.2.6B1 or newer
- NEXT_mysql if administering packages with mysql interface

At this point, you should be able to open a browser and enter the following URL:


Obviously... change to whatever your actual NAS name or IP address is. You will be greeted by a slick little login prompt - log in with your NAS admin/root username and password, and welcome to the NExt Webadmin UI! From this page, you can manage any additional Addons you install using the same method as above (download/rename/load extension). They work pretty much the same as services do in Windows on this page. If the Addon has it's own interface (Like CUPS for example), there will be a link labeled Interface next to the Readme, which will take you directly to that module's interface.

I have installed mldonkey version: 3.0.2 for AMS and SBLAN2
