2010年1月17日 星期日

Creating a Windows PE Boot disk


I have a USB stick (just upgraded to a 4Gb version) that I carry with me – it is a Windows PE boot disk with a Windows Vista Image on it (amongst other useful bits and pieces). Why? so that I can quickly and easily demonstrate the deployability of Windows Vista – yes I know.. I need to get out more!

I realised the other day that I had not actually gone through the steps to create a Windows PE USB boot disk – so here it is! (the same idea goes for creating a bootable image full stop – ie creating a bootable DVD, PXE boot file, etc)

Before you begin you need the ingredients:
Windows Automated Install Toolkit (WAIK)
A USB stick (depending on what else you want on it will depend on the size that you need – minimum of 512Mb – if you want a Windows Vista image on it then go for a minimum of 2Gb)
