Clockgen (http://www.cpuid.org/clockgen.php)-讓你在windows中變更cpu的內頻,外頻以及AGP/PCI頻率
A64 Tweaker (http://home.exetel.com.au/codered/A64Tweaker/A64Tweaker_V031.zip)-這個應該不用介紹吧!!
MemFreq 1.1 (http://www.forumdeluxx.de/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7536)-計算你的記憶體速度
Super PI (http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/fclick/fclick.php?fid=152)-不介紹 :凸:
Super PI Mod (http://superpi.radeonx.com/)-一樣不介紹 :fl:
Hexus PIFast (http://pifast.hexus.net/hexus_pifast.zip)-用膩了PI嗎??換個介面吧!!dos版的,不只可算PI還可以算根號2 還有一些有的沒的!!
SiSoft Sandra (http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/)-強大的測試軟體,提供你電腦的各項資訊
Everest Home Edition (http://www.lavalys.com/products/overview.php?pid=1&lang=en&pageid=1)-強大的測試軟體,提供你電腦的各項資訊
CPU Mark 99 (http://www.geocities.com/uart0/cpumark.zip)-很舊的測速軟體
其他測速軟體(一堆) (http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/english.html?/b_e.html)
更多測速軟體(一大堆) (http://www.majorgeeks.com/downloads4.html)
MemTest86+ (http://www.memtest.org/)-眾所皆知測記憶體的軟體
Memtest for windows (http://hcidesign.com/memtest/download.html)-視窗版
普爛95 (http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm)-不介紹 :凸:
SP2004 (http://sp2004.fre3.com/)-不介紹 :lkl:
http://www.ocbase.com/OpenBeta/OCCTv0.91.exe]OCCT (http://www.overclockersclub.com/link/?[url) v.0.91[/url]-大陸人好像都用這一套,版上看過有人用過
Crystal CPUID (http://crystalmark.info/?lang=en)-和cpu-z很像,但是可以變更一些參數
Central Brain (http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3538.html)-跟上面那個很像,但是可以改HT
CPU Mark 2 (http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/CPUMark-Download-10213.html)-測試cpu速度軟體
英文說明在下面 (懶的翻譯了 ;rr; )
- There are 3 major tests (registry, floating-point operations & integer operations).
- Each test is built based on some equations & operations depending on the test.
- Every major test contains 3 identical tests. For every identical test the seconds & milliseconds are calculated. At the end of a major test, an arithmetic average is made from the seconds & milliseconds times saved from those 3 tests. So if u get a wrong time at a "mini"-test the other 2 can make the error be ignored. Also the time is calculated with 0xx millisecond precision (at the start time must be x.0 seconds, so the last time cannot make a diference bigger than 0.9 seconds for tests). To be more exact the average from the milliseconds time is calculated. If the value is bigger than 500 ms it means test time has an error so it is corected adding an extra second to the test time.
- Score for the major tests is calculated with an simple equation (REVEALED NOW!!! 18.02.2005*).
- The final score = 40% Score Test1 + 80% Score Test2 + 80% Score Test3
- The program was compiled with no optimization (speed, floating-point), so tests cannot be in favour of a certain processor type.
Cpu-z (http://www.cpuid.org/cpuz.php)-不介紹 :ph34r:
BIOS參數解釋及最佳化介紹 (http://www.adriansrojakpot.com/Speed_Demonz/New_BIOS_Guide/Index.htm)-你每天在調的2.5-3-3-7 2-2-1-2還有一堆參數,你搞清楚那是什麼了嗎??不懂來這邊看就對了!!(英文)