2009年4月25日 星期六

MediaCoder is a free universal batch media transcoder


MediaCoder is a free universal batch media transcoder, which nicely integrates most popular audio/video codecs and tools into an all-in-one solution. With a flexible and extendable architecture, new codecs and tools are added in constantly as well as supports for new devices. MediaCoder intends to be the swiss army knife for media transcoding in all time and at this moment, it already has millions of users from all over the planet.

MP3 RePacker attempts to save space by storing frame data in the smallest possible frame



寵物因肥胖而增加問題 ?




2009年4月22日 星期三

World Builder


A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves.

This award winning short was created by filmmaker Bruce Branit, widely known as the co-creator of '405'. World Builder was shot in a single day followed by about 2 years of post production. Branit is the owner of Branit VFX based in Kansas City.

More info, background and info on future releases can be at facebook.com/pages/World-Builder/73936485659 Become a fan and keep in touch.

ThreatFire - malware


ThreatFire 3's ability to block installation of malware strictly by identifying bad behavior is phenomenal. It did a better (and faster) job than Norton AntiBot and even beat out Spy Sweeper, our current Editors' Choice for signature-based anti-spyware.

Privacy and Registry Cleaner


Privacy and Registry Cleaner is a safe and easy-to-use privacy protection tool, that allows you to erase common Internet and computing tracks, including browser cache, cookies, visited websites, typed URLs, recent documents, index.dat files and the tracks of up to 100 popular applications.

In addition, the program comes with a registry scanner to optimize your system registry by finding and removing errors and invalid entries.

2009年4月15日 星期三

IE Proxy Changer



QuickProxy 2009.03.28 ( for Firefox)


Windows Edit Tool 電腦高手、MIS必備的系統修改小工具!




免費驅動程式備份工具–Double Driver,如果對於重灌電腦不是很熟悉,或者,可能每次重灌電腦後,花在找驅動程式的時間比重灌電腦還要多,那麼這支程式就是你的救星了,執行後按下「Scan」可以掃描你電腦上所有的驅動程式,掃描完後就會列出所有驅動程式清單,可以勾選你想要備份的驅動程式,或者從程式選單中「Select→Provider→Other」選擇非微軟的驅動程式,按下「Backup」就可以備份到你指定的地方,若要還原,按下「Restore」然後選擇之前備份的檔案就可以了,驅動程式大約 90% 左右都可以備份成功,可以節省很多找驅動程式的時間,更可以用在老舊的電腦上面,因為很多老舊電腦的驅動程式,可能已經不可考了

2009年4月14日 星期二

pptPlex uses Plex technology to give you the power



Powerful online survey creator, simple and free


Welcome to The KDE on Windows Project




Check Flash 1.08

2009年4月13日 星期一

How to remove System Security Version 4.51

Unwanted System Security Version 4.51 Won't Uninstall

your computer is infected with a rogue security or antispy/malware program

1. Run the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

2. Download, install, update and run:

SUPERAntispyware (freeware) and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (freeware).

3. Run this online scan (in safe mode with networking, if possible):

4. See and follow carefully:
"Checking for/Help with Spyware, Malware and Hijackware"


2009年4月8日 星期三



Clockgen (http://www.cpuid.org/clockgen.php)-讓你在windows中變更cpu的內頻,外頻以及AGP/PCI頻率

A64 Tweaker (http://home.exetel.com.au/codered/A64Tweaker/A64Tweaker_V031.zip)-這個應該不用介紹吧!!

MemFreq 1.1 (http://www.forumdeluxx.de/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7536)-計算你的記憶體速度


Super PI (http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/fclick/fclick.php?fid=152)-不介紹 :凸:

Super PI Mod (http://superpi.radeonx.com/)-一樣不介紹 :fl:

Hexus PIFast (http://pifast.hexus.net/hexus_pifast.zip)-用膩了PI嗎??換個介面吧!!dos版的,不只可算PI還可以算根號2 還有一些有的沒的!!

SiSoft Sandra (http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/)-強大的測試軟體,提供你電腦的各項資訊

Everest Home Edition (http://www.lavalys.com/products/overview.php?pid=1&lang=en&pageid=1)-強大的測試軟體,提供你電腦的各項資訊

CPU Mark 99 (http://www.geocities.com/uart0/cpumark.zip)-很舊的測速軟體

其他測速軟體(一堆) (http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/english.html?/b_e.html)

更多測速軟體(一大堆) (http://www.majorgeeks.com/downloads4.html)


MemTest86+ (http://www.memtest.org/)-眾所皆知測記憶體的軟體

Memtest for windows (http://hcidesign.com/memtest/download.html)-視窗版

普爛95 (http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm)-不介紹 :凸:

SP2004 (http://sp2004.fre3.com/)-不介紹 :lkl:

http://www.ocbase.com/OpenBeta/OCCTv0.91.exe]OCCT (http://www.overclockersclub.com/link/?[url) v.0.91[/url]-大陸人好像都用這一套,版上看過有人用過

Crystal CPUID (http://crystalmark.info/?lang=en)-和cpu-z很像,但是可以變更一些參數

Central Brain (http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3538.html)-跟上面那個很像,但是可以改HT

CPU Mark 2 (http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/CPUMark-Download-10213.html)-測試cpu速度軟體
英文說明在下面 (懶的翻譯了 ;rr; )

- There are 3 major tests (registry, floating-point operations & integer operations).

- Each test is built based on some equations & operations depending on the test.

- Every major test contains 3 identical tests. For every identical test the seconds & milliseconds are calculated. At the end of a major test, an arithmetic average is made from the seconds & milliseconds times saved from those 3 tests. So if u get a wrong time at a "mini"-test the other 2 can make the error be ignored. Also the time is calculated with 0xx millisecond precision (at the start time must be x.0 seconds, so the last time cannot make a diference bigger than 0.9 seconds for tests). To be more exact the average from the milliseconds time is calculated. If the value is bigger than 500 ms it means test time has an error so it is corected adding an extra second to the test time.

- Score for the major tests is calculated with an simple equation (REVEALED NOW!!! 18.02.2005*).

- The final score = 40% Score Test1 + 80% Score Test2 + 80% Score Test3

- The program was compiled with no optimization (speed, floating-point), so tests cannot be in favour of a certain processor type.

Cpu-z (http://www.cpuid.org/cpuz.php)-不介紹 :ph34r:

BIOS參數解釋及最佳化介紹 (http://www.adriansrojakpot.com/Speed_Demonz/New_BIOS_Guide/Index.htm)-你每天在調的2.5-3-3-7 2-2-1-2還有一堆參數,你搞清楚那是什麼了嗎??不懂來這邊看就對了!!(英文)

2009年4月7日 星期二

Recover lost passwords stored by Internet Explorer


Mail PassView v1.50 - Extract lost email passwords

Recover Lost Instant Messenger Passwords






Everest 硬體資訊偵測

CPUZ CPU&記憶體參數資訊

SP2004 整合性PRIME95 燒機程式
作者:Johnny Lee

Prime95 著名燒機程式

Super PI 浮點運算速度測試
作者:Kanada Lab

3DMark & PCMark 顯示卡顯示能力測試
3DMarkR 2005
3DMarkR 2003 (Build 340)
3DMark2001 SE Pro

SPECviewperfR 8.1 繪圖卡效能測試

CINEBENCH 系統多功能力測試


HD tune 硬碟健康情形偵測(包括壞軌掃描)
作者:EFD Software

HD tach 硬碟讀寫速度測試

CD speed 光碟燒錄品質測試

Memtest (Windows) 記憶體檢測程式 作者:HCI Design

Memtest86+(DOS) 記憶體檢測程式 作者:Chris Brady

SiSoftware Sandra 系統效能整合型測試軟體

MBM5 + OCCT 測試電源的負載能力及穩定性
MBM5 提供關關於主機板溫度、使用電壓、風扇溫度、 CPU溫度的監視工具,溫度可以攝氏或華氏顯示。
OCCT 透過MBM5所測出的數據,然後自動模擬電腦滿負載的情況,讓電腦連續30分鐘滿負載運行,最後結出相應的電壓波動圖。

MBM5http://mbm.livewiredev.com (多國語言)
OCCT http://www.ocbase.com
MBM5: http://mbm.livewiredev.com/
SpeedFan: http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php
Asus PC Probe: 華碩主機板都有附或者到softking及ASUS ftp都有

20061116 更新

2009年4月5日 星期日

Blue Micro USB Flash Drive Logon 1.0


Blue Micro USB Flash Drive turns your existing pendrive or flash drive into a key to logon to your pc. This makes it easier for users to manage their computer account passwords. This software creates a encrypted code on your pendrive, only understood by this software. This software can be installed on windows xp or 2000 only. This software is free to download at www.bluemicrosolutions.com

Prevent Keyloggers in public interest access


Personalized Learning


iKnow! is a new way to learn a language based on scientific research into memory and psychology: it trains your brain in the natural ways that accelerate learning.

iKnow’s patented learning algorithms generate a personalized learning schedule based on your learning history. What this means is that items you’re having trouble with will come up for review far more frequently than items you know well. It’s like having your own private teacher who knows what you need to focus on.

e-card personnal


Record video of onscreen action


2009年4月2日 星期四

Free subdomain




Nokia Free Hosting


Web OS


Registrar Registry Manager v 6.00 released


Registrar Registry Manager v 6.00 released

Now Registrar Command Line Edition is included for free. New features include support for Windows 2008 Server and Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Registrar Registry Manager is our flagship registry editing product. It is a reliable full-fledged registry manager packed with powerful features.

Click here to find out more about Registrar Registry Manager
Buy Registrar Registrar Registry Manager now and get the Command Line Edition for free

Super unzip


7zip file archiver used for all archiving functions
Extracts archives types: ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ISO, MSI, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, HFS, LZH, LZMA, NSIS, RPM, UDF, WIM, XAR, Z.
Creates archives: 7Z, ZIP, EXE (self extracting)
Strong AES-256 bit encryption in 7z and ZIP formats allowing for secure backup of confidential data
Explorer style file system views with checkbox selection for both creation and extraction of archives and backups
Calculates a running total of file sizes as they are selected for archiving
Drag and drop support for adding and updating archives from built in file explorer.
Reporting of all archive job selections, parameters and statistics allowing for comparison of ratios, speeds, and sizes.
Management of archives using explorer style views with single click access to both source and destination files
Context Menu (right click shortcut menu) access for working with archives from within windows explorer
Converts existing archives into encrypted archives

Online chart


Logo design


Free Logo Maker

Free logo maker. 100% free! Intuitive and simple design interface allows you to create your own free business logo designs in just minutes. You will receive various electronic files for both web and print use including the vector source files. File formats include eps, png, jpg and tiff. You can save and download as many as 10 free logo designs at any one time.

Quick Media Converter V 3.6.5


Converter for PSP Iphone, PDA and mobile phone.

New PSP compatible format works with old and new firmware.
-h264 4:3 and 16:9 (new firmware)
-XVID 4:3 and 16:9 (Old firmware)
-Automatically imports in the PSP's memory card .

New Audio formats :
New Video Formats :
-DPG ( Nintendo DS) 4:3 /16:9
-H264 Qt Redim
-Removed Divx 4 :3 ->16 :9
-Divx are formatted to support Home DVD players edition 4 and Virtualdub

-removed Xvid 4 :3 ->16 :9
-Divx are formated to support Home DVD players edition 4
-WMV : Ms compatible format 4 :3 redimensionned to 320x240 to support almost all formats
-Errors corrected in encoding Xbox and Ps3 in HD

Several other code improvement were made such as better quality output for flv.

SWF Mkv and Zune conversions will now be supported in easy mode and expert mode.

Error codes will include more detailled information about the probable cause of conversion failure in order to improve and accelerate the support forum resolution process.

Mind-Map Think tool


Exploratree is a free web resource where you can access a library of ready-made interactive thinking guides, print them, edit them or make your own. You can share them and work on them in groups too.

This is the Beta / trial version of Exploratree so please do send us your suggestions and comments so we can help make the next version better.

The Exploratree web resource has been developed by Futurelab and emerged out of our work on the Enquiring Minds project. It provides a series of ready-made interactive 'thinking guides' or 'frameworks' which can support students' projects and research. Thinking guides support the thinking or working through of an issue, topic or question and help to shape, define and focus an idea and also support the planning required to investigate it further. Exploratree guides can be used as a basis for whole class discussion, or emailed to individuals or groups to complete. They can also be used as a presentation tool to share your findings and thinking with others. As well as providing a set of ready to use thinking guides, which are completely customisable and shareable, Exploratree also enables teachers and students to create their own simply and easily.