On fresh CentOS/RHEL 7, you need to install System Storage Manager first.
$ sudo yum install system-storage-manager
First, let's check information about available hard drives and LVM volumes. The following command will show information about existing disk storage devices, storage pools, LVM volumes and storage snapshots. The output is from fresh CentOS 7 installation which uses LVM and XFS file system by default.
OpenShot Video Editor is a free OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source video editor for Linux. OpenShot can take your videos, photos, and music files and help you create the film you have always dreamed of. Easily add sub-titles, transitions, and effects, and then export your film to DVD, YouTube, Vimeo, Xbox 360, and many other common formats. Check out the full feature list, view screenshots, or watch videos of OpenShot in action! http://www.openshot.org/about/
What are N-Grams? N-grams of texts are extensively used in text mining and natural language processing tasks. They are basically a set of co-occuring words within a given window and when computing the n-grams you typically move one word forward (although you can move X words forward in more advanced scenarios). For example, for the sentence "The cow jumps over the moon". If N=2 (known as bigrams), then the ngrams would be: - See more at: http://www.text-analytics101.com/2014/11/what-are-n-grams.html#sthash.BPbGDKfN.dpuf http://www.text-analytics101.com/2014/11/what-are-n-grams.html