2012年10月6日 星期六



AppCleaner cleans your computer for an optimized system and better privacy. It finds obsolete data and files and removes them from your system. This frees up disk space and optimizes overall performance. AppCleaner helps with privacy issues and cleans up Internet browser related obsolete data such as browsing histories, cookies etc. It contains no spyware, adware and installs no toolbar or other crapware you do not want on your computer. It is clean and it cleans your computer! 


Ultracopier is free and open source software licensed under GPL3 that acts as a replacement for files copy dialogs.Main features include: play/pause, speed limitation, on-error resume, error/collision management ...

2012年10月2日 星期二




本站下載連結 :
v 1.65.100

Full distribution including Ghostcript plugin in ZIP format (10.7 Mb.).: FileOptimizer with all plugins including Ghostcript one.
Source code in ZIP format (208 Kb.): Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2 source code, Visual C++ 2012 gifsicle and Visual C++ 2012 jpegoptim).

Slim Cleaner

Clean & optimize your PC with a crowd-sourced approach.

SlimCleaner is the world's first software that lets you clean and optimize Windows systems using a crowd-sourced approach. SlimCleaner uses aggregated-cloud feedback to recommend optimal settings for programs, start-ups and services.

SlimCleaner uses what's called "authoritative ranking" to ensure that the ratings for your programs are accurate and that they reflect what people really think. It works by weighing the ratings of each contributor against their previous levels of accuracy and against the ratings of high-ranking users.  

支援 Dropbox、GDrive、SkyDrive 等常用空間

支援 Dropbox、GDrive、SkyDrive 等常用空間 - 雲端服務管理工具 CarotDAV


現在雲端儲存服務愈來愈多,不過也造就了大家在資料「共用」與「同步」上的便利性,常見的像是 Box.net、Dropbox、Google Drive、SkyDrive 等等至少已經有超過十家以上雲端服務的品牌,一般要管理這些空間就是利用官方所提供的軟體進行檔案同步,但不是每個人都是想要同步在本機上,也不見得習慣使用 Web 介面管理,雲端服務管理工具 CarotDAV 支援常用的幾款雲端服務,不必將檔案同步在本機,直接以軟體取代 Web 介面進行管理,使用上更直覺,另外也支援 WebDAV、FTP 及 IMAP 連線傳輸。

Taiwan Heart

Taiwan Heart

Zoner Photo Studio Professional v12.8 



Easy Recovery

Ontrack® EasyRecovery

EasyRecovery Pro是威力非常强大的硬盘数据恢复工具。能够帮你恢复丢失的数据以及重建文件系统。EasyRecovery不会向你的原始驱动器写入任何东东,它主要是在内存中重建文件分区表使数据能够安全地传输到其他驱动器中。你可以从被病毒破坏或是已经格式化的硬盘中恢复数据。该软件可以恢复大于8.4GB的硬盘。支持长文件名。 被破坏的硬盘中像丢失的引导记录、BIOS参数数据块;分区表;FAT表;引导区都可以由它来进行恢复。

[封裝隨身] 7-zip 壓縮 多語版下載 (34 MB) / 英語版下載 (21 MB) 

--用WinRaR 解壓到任何地方(或USB)為 單一隨身版Portable_xxx.exe,雙擊執行即可

[免裝隨身] 7-zip 壓縮 多語版下載 (27 MB) / 英語版下載 (15 MB) 

-用WinRaR 解壓到任何地方(或USB)為 單一隨身版Portable_xxx.exe,雙擊執行即可