2010年5月15日 星期六

Win 7 password tools

Hiren's BootCD 10.4


Kon-Boot 1.1 to bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit and 64bit, any password) and Linux (kon-usr) Offline NT Password Changer

2010年5月2日 星期日

WipeFile erases files and folders secure and fast.

WipeFile erases files and folders secure and fast.

WipeFile overwrites the information completely, so there is no way to undelete the files or reconstruct the file content.

WipeFile supports 14 different wipe methods, e.g. two US Navy standards, the standard of the US Department of Defence, US Airforce and the NATO.

Avira AntiVir Products


Filehippo.com Update Checker-快來更新


這個軟體很小,只有 104KB,不過要事先安裝 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0。

Microsoft Fix it Solution Center

BitBlinder aims to preserve your privacy and keep your IP address safe from them.

BitBlinder is software that gives you back your online freedom.

It also allows you to avoid most restrictions and filters on you Internet

Wandering IPs

Wandering IPs allows you to monitor your Internet connections. The software allows you to manage these connections by identifying remote IP addresses and tracking their locations displayed on an interactive, textured 3D Globe that can be integrated with your desktop background. Trace the route taken by packets across an IP network. List all currently opened TCP/UDP ports on your computer. Close unwanted connections, intercept and kill suspicious processes.

file management toolkit

FlexTk Express

FlexTk Express is a file management toolkit that enables you to classify and categorize files, find duplicate files and free-up storage space. You can scan drives or folders and view a report of how your storage space is utilized by file type. It automatically categorizes your files by general types (e.g. multimedia files, executables, documents etc.) and allows you to drill down further to view results for individual files types and eventually a list of all files within the group. Other features include generating of MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 signatures for files and HTML, Excel CSV and ACSII text. The free Express version is limited to 250,000 files.

Connection Monitor 監控電腦連線狀態,斷線自動回報



這是一個非常實用的小軟體,如果你有自己架站或維護主機,可能會常常需要緊盯著網站或機器是否還活著,自己手動PING或用瀏覽器開來看是個方法,另外也有許許多多專業的監控軟體可以作到比較完整的連線監測,如果你不想花錢或懶得操作太複雜的工具,可以試試看下面這個免費、開放原始碼的「Connection Monitor」,他除了提供一般最常見的ICMP Ping模式之外,還可檢測Socket Connect與HTTP Response的連線、回應狀態,讓我們可以用最省時省力的方法隨時監控不同機器的連線狀態。

reCAPTCHA (免費的 CAPTCHA 驗證服務)


reCAPTCHA 是一個免費、且提供線上 CAPTCHA 驗證的服務,reCAPTCHA 提供的驗證機制據稱是十分的安全,他提供的服務中除了 CAPTCHA 基本的【圖片驗證】之外,另外還提供【語音驗證】的服務,而這部分若要自行實作也是有些難度的。





砍也砍不完的垃圾留言,以及透過機器人大量註冊的假會員帳號,或是在網路投票中拚命灌水,這些都是網站管理員的惡夢;為了對付這些討人厭的spam行為,資訊科學界也發展出多種阻擋或過濾技術,其中一種相當有效的方式,就是利用歪七扭八的文字或數字做為檢核碼,你得分辨並正確輸入文字,才能通過檢核,順利完成po文或註冊程序。這種技術叫做CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart),翻成中文叫做「人類或電腦鑑別全自動圖林測試」。這是西元2000年時由卡內基美隆大學發展出來的技術,最先採用的正是Yahoo!。

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