2009年1月30日 星期五



2009年1月29日 星期四

Projector DLP與LCD投影機的差異

Projector DLP與LCD投影機的差異

技術講座 來源:BenQ

DLP(Digital Light Processing)
DLP (Digital Light Processing) 為德儀獨家技術,採用鏡面反射原理呈像,不但有著全數位化、高對比、影像細膩等優點,更因為 DLP 投影機之心藏- DMD 晶片平均壽命高達十萬小時,比起 LCD 三片式面板平均壽命只約 5000 小時就需換面板, DLP 投影機更有著降低總持有成本 (Total Cost of Ownership) 之優勢,也因此廣為台灣愛用者支持,BenQ DLP 投影機在台灣之市佔率也從 2001 年的八、九名竄升至2002年的第二名,近期平均每個月都有超過300台的銷售佳績。因應著市場趨勢,BenQ 繼推出頂級六節點全動態色輪技術搶攻高階家用市場外,也將於明年第一季推出第五代 DLP 最新技術-採用 12 度 DMD 晶片之 DLP 投影機,本最新技術有著超高對比(1000:1)與高亮度之優勢,將再度縮短 DLP 與 LCD 間的差距,DLP 在全球市場勢必上看四成之佔有率。

LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)
LCD 又稱為穿透式技術,其原理乃利用三片玻璃面板,將光源先分色後(R,G,B),透過光路中許許多多的菱鏡,再利用聚光板將其合成影像,此種分光合光結構,造成其體積較大、重量較重(3KG~10KG不等),光路較長、影像反應時間也較長,加上其為類比技術,因此會有訊號較不穩定、容易失真等缺點,而且在面板長期吸光熱的作用下,也較容易有老化的狀況,平均使用壽命為5000小時,若以平均每日使用8小時,使用不到二年則需自費更換面板,而這不在原廠保固範圍內,行情價為5-6萬(更換三片),為一筆額外不小的開支,在機體設計上其為開放式架構,為了迅速散去面板上的高熱而必須利用風扇自底部吸取空氣,若長期在吸煙環境也容易造成面板變色,穿透率變差,亮度自然也跟著衰減(例如在KTV室裡),另外,因面板結構因素,其穿透率較差(約只有50%),造成影像間隙(pixel gap)較大,若畫面放的愈大,網狀格點也愈明顯,此現象在畫面放大後愈能愈覺出來顆粒狀。也因為結構因素,對比度也較低,在看Video畫面時暗部會不明顯,顏色層次感也較差,因其細部動作較DLP慢,也較有拖影現象產生。此外,三片式多晶矽液晶投影機,原理是將三片液晶分開,利用RGB三色波長不同的特性予以分色,一個晶片調整一個顏色,色彩較鮮豔飽和亮度較高,但由於是三片LCD會有RGB不完全重疊的問題,影像的紅、綠、藍原色沒有完全重疊,使得影像邊緣有光暈的現象。目前LCD機種在高流明之市場其仍擁有較大之佔有率,因此其較適用在大型會議室、訓練場合。

LCD DLP 主要機構 三片式LCD面板 DMD晶片
色彩表現 優 佳
使用壽命 5000小時 10萬小時
光學效率 低           高
訊號處理 類比 數位 重量 重 清
體積 大 小
影像品質 粗糙 細膩
對比度 低 高
均勻度 普通 高
反應時間 長 短
耗材 燈泡/LCD面板 燈泡
面板成本 $ 3-5萬(SVGA/XGA) 不需更換
光學路徑 開放式/需換洗濾棉 封閉式
無亮點保證 無 BenQ提供一年保證
售後維護 繁雜 簡易


流明數為亮度的計量單位。美國國家標準局對顯示設備的流明數設有標準,以此一標準量測出的亮度通常以ANSI Lumens表示。流明數越高表示越亮,一般而言,亮度在600流明以上,在投影時就不需要關燈。




可以有效將投影螢幕投射所需的距離,以 BenQ 投影機為例,2公尺的投影距離就可以投射到60吋的畫面,10公尺就可以投射到 300 吋的畫面。

燈泡對於投影機來說,是一個非常重要關鍵零件,投影機的亮度和燈泡的瓦特數有著絕對正相關的關係。一般而言,燈泡的瓦特數越高,投影機的亮度(流明數)就越高,但亮度除了和燈泡有關,同時也和光學引擎的設計有非常密切的關係。例如,同樣是120W 的燈泡,有些投影機只能有500流明的亮度,有些卻可以到800流明的亮度,這就是技術的差異了。但是,不見得用高瓦特數的燈泡就一定比較好,因為瓦特數越高,就會產生越高的熱能,投影機就需要較大的散熱風扇,當散熱風扇越大,所帶來的噪音也就越大,投影機的體積也會跟著越大。

2009年1月26日 星期一

miniPE, BackTrack and Knoppix in an USB pen

This is a small guide to create a USB pen drive with three livecds installed and ready to boot from it. These are miniPE, BackTrack and Knoppix. For good measure, I've thrown in Memtest86+ too. It is expected that the reader is seasoned in Linux usage; I certainly won't try to explain certain things.


µTorrent Acceleration Tool

Are you already using the new µTorrent? Then it’s time to complete the picture with our µTorrent Acceleration Tool. Just download, install and start it and you will experience increased download speed in no time. A powerful traffic optimization algorithm, which stays behind, will take care of the rest. You will obtain a maximum acceleration effect with a minimum resource usage and no configuration effort. The tool is free and does not contain any spyware, Trojans or adware inside.


Browser Defender

Browser Defender™ Website Safety Lookup

Web sites are tested for what we believe are excessive pop-ups, "phishing" and other fraudulent practices, and browser exploits. Downloads are tested for viruses and bundled adware, spyware or other possibly unwanted programs.


2009年1月25日 星期日

Microsoft Remote Desktop (Remote version)

open c:\windows\system32
find mstsc.exe and mstscax.dll two files.

If Eng version Windows
open c:\windows\system32\en-us
If Chinese taiwan Windows
open c:\windows\system32\zh-tw
or open c:\windows\system32\zh-hk

find mstsc.exe.mui and mstscax.dll two files.

Online Beauty Assessment

Beauty assessment is based on the analysis of the geometric properties of a face – on beauty aspects that are stable and objective.


WhoCrashed released

WhoCrashed is a comprehensible crash dump analysis tool. Whenever a computer running Windows suddenly reboots without displaying any notice or blue screen of death, the first thing that is often thought about is a hardware failure. In reality, most crashes are caused by malfunctioning device drivers and kernel modules. In case of a kernel error, most computers running Windows do not show a blue screen unless they are configured to do so. Instead these systems suddenly reboot without any notice.

WhoCrashed allows you to find out which drivers have been responsbile for crashing your computer (in most cases) without requiring any debugging skills.

The home edition of WhoCrashed does local crash dump analysis and is licensed for use at home only. http://www.resplendence.com/download/whocrashedSetup.exe


2009年1月8日 星期四

Outlook 2007 - Prompt for Mail Account when Sending Email


Windows update via MS update feature-add batch At the command prompt

Windows update via MS update feature-add batch At the command prompt, type


Microsoft Exchange 2003 - Types of Recipients


Understanding the Recipient Types in Microsoft Exchange 2003

There is no doubt, knowledge is power. If you truly understand the names and capabilities of email objects, then you will always choose the right recipient for the right job.

Mailbox enabled user - Standard email account in Exchange Server 2003. A regular Active Directory user with a full MAPI mailbox. (90% of all email accounts are this type.)

Mail-enabled user - Tricky recipient. An Active Directory account with an email address, but no mailbox in your Exchange Organization. I call this the contractor object. Their email is delivered, not to your exchange mailstore, but to their external account, e.g. hotmail or gmail.

Distribution Group - The old Exchange 5.5 DL (distribution list). Big organizations may favour the Universal Distribution groups, while companies with one domain prefer Global Distribution groups.

Query-based Distribution Groups - A great new idea in Exchange 2003. You must investigate these dynamic groups which are populated by LDAP queries. See how to manage these Query-based Distribution Groups groups here.

Security Enabled Group - Where ever possible, avoid this object and use Distribution Groups instead.

Here is my reasoning for shunning Security Enabled Groups for email recipients. Technically it takes longer to logon if users are members of lots of Security Groups - SIDS have to be checked and Universal group membership has to be verified.

However my main objection is because security groups are normally used for share permissions. I once saw an administrator add a user to a group that had access to the printer. What they forgot was that this was a mail-enabled group and the new user started receiving emails that were not meant for their eyes. (It was unpleasant because they were emails about that person's redundancy.)

2009年1月1日 星期四


Free proxy

PhotoPad Image Editor

PhotoPad Image Editor

Free NAS

I saw CPU magazine to introduce - FreeNAS. I searched interesting information :-


Download - http://www.freenas.org/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=58

FreeNAS 讓你的舊電腦也可以變成網路儲存系統(內附教學) - 電腦軟件 ...

I still study and learn to setup server.

Scan Virus Dr. Web free

Recently, I like to using Dr. Web to scan my portable harddisk. That isn't installation and more updated. I kill many virus in my portable harddisk.

How to fast copy files?

I found tools to fast copy files. TeraCopy 2.0 Beta 4 and Fastcopy that support :-

TeraCopy 2.0 Beta 4
Vista 跟 XP 必裝的檔案複製貼上外掛–TeraCopy,不僅能夠詳細顯示複製進度,還有續傳功能,支援 Unicode,並且可與 Unlocker 整合,當檔案被鎖住時,自動呼叫 Unlocker 來解除鎖定,常常搬移檔案的人一定要裝!
免安裝版 安裝版本

Fastcopy 是 Windows 平台上最快的檔案拷貝、刪除軟體。由於其功能強勁,性能優越,一時間便超越相同類型的所有其他軟體。由於該軟體十分小巧,你甚至可以在安裝後,直接將安裝目錄中的檔案複製到任何可移動儲存裝置中,方便攜帶,隨取隨用。
FastCopy 主要包含下列功能:

3.支援三種不同的 HDD 模式;

Fastcopy,最快的檔案拷貝工具!經測試,一個 424 MB 的電影其拷貝時間僅為 21 秒,傳輸速度達到了 21 MB/秒,不知比 TotalCopy之流快了多少倍,所以,在這裡我不吝惜自己的讚美,把「最快的檔案拷貝工具」這個桂冠送給它,如果你發現還有比它更快的,煩請來信告知,我將非常感謝!閒話少說,這裡談談這個檔案的使用方法。

第一種,如 Nullsoftcopy 一樣先選擇來源資料夾,然後選擇目的資料夾,點[執行]按鈕後即可開始拷貝;第二種,註冊快顯功能表。點功能表「設定--->右鍵延伸」彈出「右鍵延伸」對話方塊,然後點 [安裝] 按鈕即可註冊快顯功能表。你可以直接在任意檔案或資料夾上面點右鍵彈出功能表,然後選「複製(Fastcopy)」、「移除(Fastcopy)」、「移動(Fastcopy)」等指令,即可開始複製、移除或移動檔案或資料夾;第三種,註冊快顯功能表。透過右鍵拖曳到目的資料夾,彈出快捷功能表指令,然後選「複製(Fastcopy)」、「移除(Fastcopy)」、「移動(Fastcopy)」等指令,即可開始複製、移除或移動檔案或資料夾。